ERIC's Knowledge Reasoning

To be able to produce interesting and engaging commentary, ERIC performs Knowledge Reasoning to transform sparse incoming information into a complete world model. In the case of the RaceSim horse race simulator, the agent receives one signal every second containing the current location and speed of each of the four horses in the simulated race. In order to be able to provide interesting and engaging commentary, the agent needs to deduce more interesting facts from this information, ranging from simple things such as the relative positions of the four horses to more sophisticated judgements such as whether a horse is about to overtake another, or how much the order of the horses has been changing. Clearly the knowledge reasoning module will be domain-dependent.

A deductive system such as this knowledge reasoning module is ideally suited to implementation in a rule-based language: in fact this is really a kind of expert system. The rule-based environment Jess was chosen for this role; JESS is implemented in Java and has an extensive API for controlling the fact base, rule base and reasoning engine, making it ideal for use in the modular parallel architecture of ERIC. In this rule-based environment, deductions of more sophisticated facts from our sparse input are simply represented as rules, for example:

(defrule firstplace
    "A horse is in first place if all other horses are
        behind or level with it"
    (location (timestamp ?t) (horse ?h1) (loc ?l1))
    (location (timestamp ?t)
        (horse ?h2&:(neq ?h1 ?h2))
        (loc ?l2&:(<= ?l2 ?l1)))
    (location (timestamp ?t)
        (horse ?h3&:(neq ?h1 ?h3)&
            :(neq ?h2 ?h3))
        (loc ?l3&:(<= ?l3 ?l1)))
    (location (timestamp ?t)
        (horse ?h4&:(neq ?h1 ?h4)&:(neq ?h2 ?h4)&
            :(neq ?h3 ?h4))
        (loc ?l4&:(<= ?l4 ?l1)))
    (assert (position (timestamp ?t) (horse ?h1)
        (position 1)))

(defrule aboutto-overtake
    "When a horse is about to overtake another"
   (location (timestamp ?t) (horse ?h1) (loc ?l1))
   (location (timestamp ?t) (horse ?h2)
       {loc < ?l1 && loc > (- ?l1 10)})
   (speed (timestamp ?t) (horse ?h1) (speed ?s1))
   (speed (timestamp ?t) (horse ?h2) {speed > ?s1})
   (assert (aboutto-overtake (timestamp ?t)
       (overtaker ?h2) (overtakee ?h1)))

Here the "location" and "speed" facts are the facts we receive from the RaceSim interface, and "position" and "aboutto-overtake" facts are internal facts that the knowledge reasoner deduces. The world model generated by these rules form the basis for ERIC's natural language generation and affect appraisal, as well as being input to the other non-speech output modalities.