Gestures and Facial Expressions in ERIC

Gesture and Facial Expression Generation is covered by two modules in ERIC. The facial expression module is quite simple: the Charamel character provides a selection of facial "morphs" that can be expressed, and the facial expression module merely maintains a dictionary mapping each emotional component of an affective state to a Charamel morph.

Gesture generation in the RaceReporter takes two forms: on the one hand, various events that are recognised by the knowledge reasoning module trigger specific individual gestures in the character. On the other hand, the character has two set of "background" or base gestures, one for idle times and one for while he is speaking. The gesture generation module maps each mood component of an affective state onto a set each of idle and speaking gestures, so that (for example) the agent moves around much more when he is exuberant or excited than when he is bored or sad.

In addition, the gesture generation module generates commands to change the camera angle according to the intensity of the character's mood: the more intense the mood, the closer the shot.